Hi all :) My name is Ianna Lee! I’m the baby in the pictures.

Throughout my life, I’ve made peace with my father’s fatal illness, cancer. Recently, the pain has resurfaced in a new light as my mother was diagnosed with cancer last summer. I’ve gone on a path of contemplating the very difficult decision this website is based on: whether or not to undergo genetic testing for the very disease that took someone in my life away from me. This choice was something that would completely alter my passions, life, and future. I felt burdened. Suddenly, I wasn’t just a little kid anymore.

What helped me make the decision was research, reaching out, and reminding myself that I wasn’t alone. Learning about the genetic testing process and others’ experiences made it a less impossible decision. Preparing myself for what could come and how I’d handle it healed me in a way. I want to provide that helping hand for others. 

This page is for anybody who needs free and accessible information and resources, emotional guidance, and support to process their genetic history and their options for testing. I wish you the best on your genetic journey! Know that this decision will not define you. Any choice, to test, to not, to wait, is a valid one.

Meet the Maker!

GuidingGene aims to provide comprehensible, accessible information and support for all beginning or going through their genetic journey towards their testing decision. We understand the struggle this journey can entail, and we hope to provide you the guidance and resources needed.

  • Learning the basics of genomics and the fundamentals of your genetic condition lessen the monstrous feeling that this daunting information may be associated with.

    Knowledge is power! Starting on an easy-to-understand, reliable, and accurate source is a great first step. Research can be an overwhelming process. Take your time looking through the provided informational websites. If you don’t understand something, know that frustration is common and that you’re taking a great step in this journey.

  • Many great individuals who understand your genetic condition, the feelings surrounding it, and the science behind it have come together to create resources. This includes learning about your genetic condition from real life experts, undergoing genetic counseling and testing, and finding a community of others who share your struggles. The provided resources are accessible and aim to make this condition and your genetic history a bit easier to handle.

    Schedule a counseling appointment! Find a testing site! Read about others’ stories, talk to others, and share your own truths—remind yourself that you are not alone.

  • This section delves my personal works on genetic testing and art and film recommendations on those living with genetic conditions. I’ll continue updating on my own genetic journey, and the things I continue to learn about this community.