
There are some great websites and organizations that can aid your journey, from the very possibility of testing to receiving your results. Utilize them to get professional genetic information, schedule counseling sessions, find local genetic testing sites, and build a community with others!

Labcorp provides a vast scientific source of expertise, research, and advancing medicine. This fantastic resource center provides multiple testing options and walk-in labs near you. With over 60,000 employees worldwide, they maintain services and support for all affected by healthcare. Labcorp is extremely socially aware, committing to digital accessibility and focusing on equality for marginalized groups. They also have a mobile app for appointments and results!

The National Society of Genetic Counselors expands on the various roles of genetic counselors by improving research and public policy to increase availability of quality genetic services. They provide information on genetic counselors in general and a directory for accessible genetic counselors in your area who specialize in what you may be afflicted with.

The Genetic Support Foundation highlights the individual alongside their genetic healthcare. With information on all forms of genetic healthcare and how it may pertain to your specific situation, the foundation also provides genetic counseling appointments and websites on the genetic condition you may be struggling with.

The American College of Medical Genetics and Genomics provides knowledge on genetics, advocacy, educational opportunities, and events highlighting genomic research. Most importantly, the ACMG has a genetic clinic directory for locations near you!

Rare Genomics Institute is a non-profit organization working alongside patients and their families afflicted by rare diseases. Through scientists, innovators, and experts, Rare Genomics provides world-renown research, assisted funding for families,  programs with patient advocates, and coordination with physicians labs suited to your needs. With the support of a patient advocate, you will be connected to available services for your genomic needs.

The American Board of Genetic Counseling aims to created intelligent, certified genetic counselors who will serve the public and raise their standards for health. This website also provides a genetic counselor directory for experts near you!

You’re not alone.

Genetic testing can be an isolating path. But it’s crucial to remember that many others are undergoing it as well. Talking about your struggles and hearing others’ stories can take off some of the burden on your shoulders, uplift you, and solidify your decision.

National Society of Genetic Counselors

Patient Stories and Testimonials

Support Resources: Patient Organizations, Professional Societies, and Government Resources


Rare Genomics Institute

Success Stories